This Website is a free Selection of Search Tools and Websites with Used Heavy Machinery

Clicking on the pictures will take you to a page with various portals and websites
About this site
It can take you hours to search and find used heavy machinery. It can take you hours to find back where you were searching. If you change the device your bookmarks are often lost. is easy to remember and your one-page stopp to find back to heavy machinery websites. We have created some searches for specific machinery. Regularly updates will safe time and help finding the right second hand machine.
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Où trouver de bonnes machines d’occasion ? Collection de sites avec des offres intéressantes de machines TP.
Wo kann man gute Gebrauchtmaschinen finden? Sammlung von Seiten mit interessanten Angeboten an Baumaschinen aus zweiter Hand.
Is it for free?
It is not only for free. The site is not following you. The site does not set any cookies. There is no need to sign up. Just remember to return for your future searches for used heavy machinery. No obligations. No interest in your data.
Who made this website?
This little project is an idea of Mevas. Mevas is a heavy machinery inspection service. If you find a used machine and you want to buy it, we might be able to help with an unbiased inspection. This is the only commercial background of this web project. However, if you wish you can contact us.
What kind of websites are linked?
We are linking to websites with:
- Used Heavy Machinery (excavators, bulldozers, wheel loaders, graders etc.)
- Used Trucks and Concrete Pumps (all kind of road trucks)
- Used Civil Engineering Equipment (drills, piling equipment, blast hole drills)
- Used Cranes (ATT, Crawler, Mobile, Truck Mounted)
- Used Industrial Machinery (CNC, Food, Processing)
By the way, if you click directly to a post (header) you can leave a comment in the section below. If it is reasonable it will be published. Feel free to contribute.
Special service: Heavy Machinery Valuation
Mevas offers an online-evaluation-service for used heavy machinery. If you need to determine the residual value of an excavator, wheel-loader, a backhoe or a used bulldozer Mevas can help for a small fee. Read more about the service of used heavy machinery valuation online service.